ANZAC Biographies
On our website you will find the biographical details of ANZAC (as well as British) servicemen & women whose medals or other memorabilia form part of the collection on display at the
Maryborough Military & Colonial Museum,
Maryborough, Queensland, Australia.
If you have any comments about any of these posts or if you are related to any of the service personnel mentioned on this site we would welcome hearing from you. Please contact us through the Contact Us section of this website.
- ADDY, Lieutenant Edward
- ADIE, Captain Alfred George
- ALLAN, 689 Private William, MM and bar
- ALLSEBROOK, 1395 Private Gerald Gilbert Stanley
- ANDERSON, Sergeant Cecil Charles MiD
- ANDERSON, Staff Sergeant S/2/016366 Herbert William, DCM, MiD
- ARTHUR, 2327 Driver William Herbert Leslie, MM
- ARTHUR, 5 Sergeant Percy Acrill
- ASHBURNER, Clifford William Ernest MiD
- BACK, 406 Lance Corporal Herbert Stanley
- BAK, Corporal Kenneth William
- BAK, Leslie Ronald MM
- BAK, Lieutenant Cecil James
- BAK, Private James Jensen
- BANVILL, 23549 Leading Aircraftman Norman Robert
- BARCLAY, Lieutenant Clifford Clapcott
- BARGH, Sergeant John Munro, DCM
- BARNES, Private Charles Grafton, MiD
- BARRETT, Sgt Ralph DCM MiD
- BAYLY, Major Robert Horatio Roy
- BECK, Captain William Thomas DSO MiD
- BENNETT, Lance Sergeant Godfrey Arthur
- BENSON, 912 Pte Raymond MM MiD CC
- BENTLEY, Sister May Lawrence
- BERRY, Captain James Kinkead MiD
- BLAKE, 2nd Lieutenant Valentine
- BLAKER, Lieutenant Arthur Wilfrid, MiD
- BLENKINSOP, 710 Sergeant John David MM
- BOWTELL-HARRIS, Brigadier James Frederic OBE, MC, MiD
- BRAND, RSM Stephen MM and bar, MiD
- BREYDON, Captain Richard
- BRODERICK, Private Edmund St. John Vincent
- BROWN, Lieutenant Clifford Le Brun MC
- BRUNDRIT, Captain Thomas Joseph MiD
- BRYCE, Private James
- BUCKLAND, Lieut-Colonel John Leslie Gibson MC MM
- BURKINSHAW, R.S.M. Edward William Thomas
- CAIN, Private John
- CARR, Captain Gerald Mosman Blakeney, MBE
- CHAPMAN, Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Ernest VD
- CHAPMAN, Major Duncan
- CHARTERS, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Burnett CMG DSO VD MiD***
- CHATAWAY, Lieutenant Thomas P
- CHERMSIDE, Lieutenant General Sir Herbert Charles GCMG CB
- CHRISTIE, Lieut-Col Robert, DSO and bar MiD CdeG (Bel)
- CLARKE, Lieutenant-Colonel Lancelot Fox, DSO MiD VD
- COOPER, Lieutenant Herbert MC, MiD
- CORBETT, Lieutenant Ernest DCM MiD
- COULTER, Flying Officer Brian Ross Appleton 401914
- COULTER, Lieutenant-Colonel Graham, DSO MiD VD
- COWPER, Staff Sergeant Charles William MM
- COX, General Sir Herbert Vaughan GCB., KCMG., CSI
- CRAWFORD, Driver Charles Alexander James, MM MiD
- CRISP, L/Cpl Frederick Gordon DCM MiD
- CROFT, 566 Private Alfred,DCM
- CROSS Sergeant William Alfred Joseph DCM
- CUTLER, Brigadier Roy Victor MBE MC MiD
- DARE, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Moreland Montague, DSO MiD VD
- DAVEY, 2nd Lieutenant Charles Basil Trevor
- DAWSON, Lieutenant-Colonel David Day, VD
- DENSHAM, Lieutenant John Humphrey
- DOWD, 1533 Private John, MM
- DOWNES, Private Larry Richard
- DUFTON, Private William Clark, Serbian silver medal
- DYRING, 761 Sergeant Hugh MM
- DYTE, Lieutenant Norman Vincent, MM
- EDWARDS, 287 Private Harold MM
- ELLIOTT, 1036 Sergeant William Ewart MM
- ELLIOTT, Corporal John Winston DCM
- ELLIOTT, Sergeant Sydney Coulson MM MiD
- ELLISON, Major-General Sir Gerald Francis KCB KCMG MiD
- ELWELL, Lieutenant-Commander Charles Bingham MiD RN
- ERSKINE, Lieutenant-Colonel Kenneth Charles Stuart, MC MiD
- EWART, Captain Alexander Telfer MC MM MiD
- EYERS, Lieutenant-Commander Frank, DSO
- GARCIA, Lieut Richard John DCM, MM, MiD
- GEE, Captain Herbert John, MC MiD
- GEYER, Major Frederick William Christian
- GLASFURD, Brigadier-General Duncan John, MiD
- GORDON, Lieutenant-Colonel Robert, CMG OBE DSO MiD
- GORDON, Major Charles George
- GRAFFUNDER, 462 Corporal Albert Christopher Julius
- GREIG, 2nd Lieutenant Norman James CC
- HALL, 2nd Lieutenant Sydney Gordon Leslie
- HAMMAND, Captain Kendall
- HARDY, Lieutenant David MM MiD
- HART, Major Geoffrey Leonard
- HELLIWELL, Private Kenneth John
- HEMING, Captain Leslie Duncan, MiD
- HILL, Major Philip Geoffrey Powys, CC.
- HINTON, Lieutenant Herbert Gerald
- HOME, 2nd Lieutenant James
- HUMBERSTONE, 1293 Sergeant Richard Nicholas DCM MiDCC
- HUNTER, Captain Herbert Humphreys
- LARSEN, 559 Lance Sergeant Herbert Alexander, MiD Serbian gold medal
- LE MAISTRE, Lieutenant-Colonel Frank William, DSO MiD (Part A)
- LE MAISTRE, Lieutenant-Colonel Frank William, DSO MiD (Part B)
- LEACH, 425524 Flight Lieutenant William, DFC MiD
- LEE, Brigadier Joseph Edward DSO MC MiD
- LEE-ARCHER, Sister Estelle Frances ARRC
- LORENZO, Colonel Francis Maxwell de Frayer, DSO MiD CC Order of Danilo 4th class
- MacLAURIN, Colonel Henry Normand, MiD
- MACNAGHTEN, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Melville, CMG MiD
- MARSH, Able Seaman Frederick Walter Lota MiD
- MARTIN, Brigadier-General Edward Fowell, CB CMG DSO MiD VD
- MARTIN, Private Henry
- MAUNDER, Lieutenant-Colonel Harold Arthur, DSO MiD
- McMORLAND, Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander VD
- MEREDITH, Brigadier-General John Baldwin Hoystead, DSO MiD VD Serb Order of White Eagle 4th class
- METCALF, Commander John Savile Dent DSC RD MiD Spanish Lifeboat Society Gallantry medal
- MIDGLEY, Lieutenant Colonel Stephen CMG DSO MiD
- MORTON, Captain Alfred Bishop
- MULCAHY, 955 Private Matthew Michael MiD CC
- PAIN, Colonel John Henry Francis DSO MC MiD
- PARRY-OKEDEN, Captain Uvedale Edward MC MiD CC (Part A)
- PARRY-OKEDEN, Captain Uvedale Edward MC MiD CC (Part B)
- PARRY-OKEDEN, Captain Uvedale Edward MC MiD CC (Part C)
- PATERSON, Colonel Eric Ewen , MC ED
- PILGRIM, Lieutenant Frank, CGM MiD, CdeG and palm (Fr)
- POCKLEY, Captain Brian Colden Antill MiD
- POWER, Sergeant James Charles, MiD
- SCOTT, Brigadier William Henry CMG, DSO and Bar, MID
- SEYMOUR, Vice Admiral Claude, DSO MiD
- SIMON, Lieutenant Eric Wilson MM and BAR
- SLOAN, John James, MSM
- SLOAN, Lieutenant-Colonel Hannibal, MSM
- SMITH, Lieutenant Francis Lawrence, MC MM MiD
- SMYTH, Major-General Sir Nevill Maskelyne VC KCB MiD
- STANSFIELD, Colonel William, CMG DSO MiD VD
- STEEL, Staff Surgeon John James
- STEVENSON, Rear-Admiral John Bryan CMG
- STEWART, Major Peter Ingles, MC and bar MiD VD
- STILL, Lieutenant George Alfred MC
- STUMM, Major Colin Pride
- TAYLOR, 2048 Sergeant George William DCM MM
- TAYLOR, NX26366 Sergeant George William
- TAYLOR, QX31731 Corporal Kenneth Hilton
- TERLOUR, Able Seaman William James SGM, MiD
- THORNTHWAITE, Lieutenant-Colonel Francis, DSO MC MiD CdeG (Fr)
- TILNEY, Lieutenant Colonel Leslie Edward DSO MiD VD
- TOLMIE, Private Roy Colin
- TOWNSHEND, Captain Samuel Edward